I will never forget October 1984, in grade school music class we were singing the
Name Game. I think the teacher wanted a change from the
Hokey Pokey. When it came to me, I said ,"In honor of Halloween, let's try Witch." Witch, witch, bo.... The class started naively singing, not realizing the linguistic cliff I was leading them over until the B word came flying fortissimo from the mouths of thirty 12 year olds. The class was immediately silent with the exception of some derisive "ooooh!"s. The class stared at me scornfully. I lied and said I had no idea that would happen, and got sent out into the hall where I practiced the
backspin until Music was over. At least I didn't suggest the word "duck."
You kiss your Mother with that mouth?
Naughty Naughty!
Hilarious story. I kinda like my blood clot party.
Did you check out my Ruffino pic on my blog? All wine posts lead back to you!
Lovely day to you!
Chuck chuck bo buck......
I love this story. You make me chuckle. There are lots of names I would like to sing in the Name Game.
C- I am sure that your creative 'hang out with my wang out' semi-mischevious mind could come up with some doozies.
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